Poznań employment agency

Employment agency Poznań - Visa Start Group employment agency

Employment office Poznań - our offer

Our temporary employment agency in Poznań with many years of experience offers a wide range of services to help you find a job in this dynamic region. We operate as an employment agency and we make every effort to provide attractive job offers in Poznań.

Simple and effective job search

Thanks to our services, the job search process becomes simpler and more effective. Our job offer in Poznań covers various industries and levels of experience, thanks to which we are able to meet the expectations of various candidates.

Current job offers

We have current job offers with a competitive salary on the Poznań labor market. If you are looking for a job, our employment agency will certainly provide you with services at the highest level for mutual benefit.

Our specialists - competence

Our specialists with many years of experience will help ensure high-quality recruitment, selection and outsourcing of temporary employees, adapting to the individual needs of our clients.

We also offer professional consultancy in the field of the labor market, analysis of staffing needs and support in the contract management process.

Our temporary employment agency is not only a solution for short-term needs, but also a valuable partner in a long-term HR strategy.

Cooperation with employers

We work with various employers who are looking for people for temporary employment, who may come from various sectors of the economy, such as logistics, production, industry, warehousing, transport, services or trade.

These are both local, national and international companies that often have dynamically changing staffing needs due to the seasonality of production, periodic load related to orders or other circumstances.

Professional development

Employers can also offer training and qualifications for professions such as forklift operators, which allows employees to develop professionally and acquire new skills, such as operating specialist equipment or managing a warehouse.

Such investment in employee development can be attractive to forklift operators who want to develop professionally and gain new experience in their profession.

Employers using Visa Start Group also appreciate the flexibility we offer in terms of recruitment, which can enable employees to find an attractive job in their profession, as well as gain experience in various companies and industries, which can be valuable in further career development.

Responsibilities of the employer

Employers who use the services of temporary employment agencies are obliged to provide safe working conditions, but they can also invest in the development of their employees.

Thanks to this, cooperation with us can not only be beneficial for immediate staffing needs, but also provide a platform for professional development.


Searching for the right employee

Looking for an employee but hard to find? Don't worry, Visa Start Group is here to help!


Finding the right employee can be a challenge, but our employment agency offers comprehensive employment services in your company and for other enterprises. Thanks to our experience, network of contacts and professional approach, we are able to effectively support the process of searching, selection and recruitment.

Rich database

Our agency has extensive databases to provide its clients with high quality recruitment services. It is constantly updated and contains a wide range of candidates from various industries and fields, including both professionals and general workers.

Thanks to this, we are able to quickly and effectively match the right candidate to the requirements of our clients.

Personnel substitutions

Visa Start Group can provide replacements for regular employee absences such as sick leave, vacation, or maternity leave. Thanks to this, the company does not have to worry about staff shortages and can maintain business continuity.


Recruitment company - professional support

Our employment agency works with passion and commitment, matching candidates to the specific requirements of our clients. Regardless of whether you need permanent, temporary or specialist employees, you can count on our support.

Our offer is addressed to both large companies and small enterprises, offering professional solutions for your needs.

Your choice

Choose our employment agency Visa Start Group to gain access to potential employees, minimize the time and effort spent on nand recruitment, and build an efficient team of employees, ready for success.


Employer - Personnel costs

Employing permanent employees involves costs such as salaries, insurance, social benefits and other employee benefits. Temporary employment agencies can help companies reduce these costs as temporary workers are formally employed by the agency and not directly by the company.


Providing entrepreneurs with employees in a short time

Recruitment and selection of employees is a time-consuming process that may require large financial outlays. Visa Start Group can take over part of this process, including conducting recruitment processes, verifying the skills and experience of candidates, which allows enterprises to hire the ideal candidate in a short time and save resources.

Reduction of time related to employment formalities

The process of hiring new employees involves many formalities, such as filling in documents, drafting contracts, settling taxes and contributions, or conducting induction training. We can take over some of these duties, thanks to which the company can save time and energy spent on these tasks.

We also deal with all matters related to employee administration, such as settlement of working hours or supervision of compliance with labor law regulations, which allows the company to focus on its main area of activity.

Attractive rates

Temporary employment agencies can also be more effective in managing payroll costs. Thanks to their experience and scale of operation, agencies can often negotiate more favorable remuneration rates for employees, which may translate into lower employment costs.

Additional obligations

In addition, the Visa Start Group employment agency may also be responsible for settling taxes, contributions and other fees related to employment, which allows the company to avoid additional administrative obligations and costs related to this activity.