Radom employment agency

Employment agency Radom - Employment agency Visa Start Group

Work Radom

Job seekers in this region can take advantage of a variety of job opportunities, both in the public and private sectors.


Commercial Facility Security Sector

The security sector of commercial facilities is an important segment of the labor market. As the retail sector grows, so does the need to protect a retail facility. The protection of people and property is one of the priorities for companies operating in this sector, which creates a demand for specialists in the field of security and monitoring.


Manual labor sector

In the sector called physical work, e.g. in the warehouse, production or logistics, you can also find numerous advertisements and job offers. Due to the developed industry in this area, there are positions available for people interested in manual work.


Trade job offers

Working in sales, especially in the commercial sector, is also an important segment of the labor market. Due to the growing demand for the position of a salesperson in stores, shopping centers and other commercial establishments, there are many offers for people with experience in the area where customer service, sales and promotion of goods is required.


Offers in construction

Construction as one of the key sectors of the economy. With the growing number of infrastructural investments and the construction of new facilities, the demand for specialists in the field of construction, such as laborers and construction workers, fitters, bricklayers and electricians, is also growing.


Attractive location

It is also worth noting the location of Radom in central Poland, which allows relatively easy access to other cities, such as Warsaw, Krakow and Lublin. This can be an added advantage for job seekers who can be flexible in choosing where to work.

What to choose Poviat employment office or temporary employment agency?

The employment agency has recently increased its trust on the labor market in Poland. It is often preferred by employers and working people due to the numerous benefits that PUP does not offer.


More flexibility

First of all, agencies offer more flexibility for both employers and employees. Thanks to them, employers can more easily adjust the number of people working to the current needs of their business. They can employ them for a specific period, for a specific project or in the event of increased activity.

On the other hand, employees can take temporary work for a short period of time or longer, depending on their needs and preferences.


A wide selection of job offers

In addition, agencies often have a wide base of offers in various industries and sectors, which increases the chances of finding employment suitable for one's qualifications and requirements in relation to the Poviat Employment Office, which usually offers a limited number of offers and may be more focused on the local area.


Professional approach

Another advantage of temporary employment agencies is their professionalism, experience and accuracy as well as supervision in the process of recruitment and selection of employees.

They can offer support in the recruitment process, preparing employees for temporary work, as well as providing administrative services, such as contracts or settlements. rifath-photoripey-OApHds2yEGQ-unsplash_2.jpg

Competitive salary

It should also be noted that agencies usually have a competitive rate, adequate to the type of work and skills. They also often provide social benefits and additional benefits, which can be attractive to employees.

Increase in popularity of employment agencies in Radom

Temporary employment agencies are becoming more and more popular on the labor market in Radom, as well as in other places, due to flexibility, customer care, a wide base of offers, professionalism in recruitment and a competitive rate.

They offer numerous benefits, which makes them often preferred over the poviat employment office.


Are you looking for your dream job offer?

Would you like to use the professional services of a temporary employment agency? Finding a job on your own can be a real ordeal. Visa Start Group is the company that can help you!

Our commitment, experience and a wide range of activities in Radom and the whole country, thanks to which we have access to many interesting offers in various economic sectors. This makes us the perfect partner to find your dream job.


Cooperation with many companies

We cooperate with many reputable companies, which allows us to offer our clients a variety of jobs in various industries. Depending on your preferences and skills, we offer positions in the commercial sector, where you can work as a salesperson in a store or at trade fair stands. We can also offer positions in the service sector, or positions and other job offers, such as production or transport.


Experienced specialists

Our management team consists of experienced specialists who make every effort to match job offers to the individual needs and expectations of our clients. We also support our employees in the recruitment process and provide comprehensive administrative services.


Flexibility and collaboration

We are flexible and open to cooperation with various professional groups, both with people with experience and people who are just starting their professional career. We encourage you to contact and cooperate with our agency so that we can find the best job offers for you.


Business offer

We invite you to use the services of our temporary employment agency - an ideal solution for dynamically developing companies. Our attractive location will allow you easy access to a wide range of qualified employees in various industries.

Continuity of work through replacement

You do not have to worry about a replacement in case of absence - our agency is able to quickly provide a suitable replacement to maintain the continuity of work in the company. We have people from various industries in the position, such as production, logistics, customer service, sales, administration and many others, who are ready to act immediately.

Flexible agency agreements

Our agency also offers flexible agency agreements that allow you to adjust the number of employees to the current needs of the company. We can adjust work schedules, hours and periods of employment to meet the client's expectations.



In addition, as a temporary employment agency, we provide insurance for working people, which gives additional security and protection in the event of any random events.

By choosing our agency, the company has access to highly qualified employees, flexibility in employment management and comprehensive service in the field of agency contracts and insurance.

Don't wait any longer! Take advantage of our temporary employment agency services and increase the efficiency of your business today!